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Old 04-25-2006, 02:17 PM   #3
'68 C-20 396 CST CC
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Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 454
Re: Shipping 5 times the price of the product?

That vendor doesn't use a lot of common sense, so it doesn't surprise me.

I e-mailed them once about the choice of titles they use because sometimes they don't even have the name of the part listed. On some items, you actually have to go into the description and read the whole thing in that overly-convoluted HTML trainwreck of a design they use and even then it is hard to find a real description that tells you what they are selling. Their reply to my e-mail said they leave it out sometimes because there just isn't enough room in the title. I'm thinking they could drop some of that jargon in the title and tell me what it is I'm suppose to be interested in...

Their pictures are sometimes way out of proportion too, so that makes it even harder to identify whether the item is an inner fender or a torque-converter cover!
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