Uh Oh, I was hoping nobody would post something about the shipping costs some sellers charge on Ebay...
Go into electronics, or better yet...DIGITAL CAMERAS. I finally got my Sony online from a vender outside of Ebay. Ridiculous! Memory the size (and nearly weight or a postage stamp) $19.99 BIN with $25 shipping. Funny thing, Ebay actually has a policy that clearly states no over inflated shipping allowed.
I'm sorry but they need to stamp these POS sellers off of the site. It is nothing but hurting Ebay as well as the buyers. Ebay is losing $$$ for listing fee's and final value fee's and is putting the screws to the buyer if he needs to get a refund like a few of you have already stated above.
I love Ebay myself (I know, keep it to yourselves please). I paint and sell custom RC car/truck bodies and do okay. I have 613 feedback at 100% and am proud of that. I charge about $1.00 over actual shipping to help offset the new boxes, labels and tape that all my bodies ship in. I am temporarily disabled (fighting workers comp...what a treat) and without any income I have to rely on what I can get off of Ebay and am grateful for that option. This kind of conducting business hurts everyone involved with Ebay, buyers and honest sellers alike.
Sorry to rant...I have reported countless sellers that are just silly with their shipping costs, there is no policing of the rules
Sorry to carry on guys, it's just sad.
thecatseye66 - I e-mailed them once about the choice of titles they use because sometimes they don't even have the name of the part listed. On some items, you actually have to go into the description and read the whole thing in that overly-convoluted HTML trainwreck of a design they use and even then it is hard to find a real description that tells you what they are selling.
THAT seller is an idiot, I see his items all the time. I finally customized my view to show the companies name so now I can pass over it without being the curious cat to only find out it is a fender bolt, not a Fender as the title implies.