Here are some pics of my 69 Blazer project I took this morning. I added arrows to point out key alignment areas and which direction they need to go. I drew a circle around the shims piled up on the body mount behind the passenger side rocker box. This is the primary reason for the piss-poor alignment of the door. I don't know what somebody was thinking.

The up-down arrows show which way this will make the truck flex to obtain alignment of the door. Also this should close the gap between the windshield frame and the top. (Looks like your truck needs to flex the other way) There is a pic of what's left of my old top header panel. Just way too much damage, but I just received good news. A friend located a Blazer in a yard not too far away.

Gonna try to hit it Friday morning or early next week. Lastly there are a few pics of the fresh pillars I cut out at the yard last year, they are blasted and primered. Also the nice new body mount kit and rocker I found in the yard. If you or anybody needs something at the yard, I'll keep my eyes open. Something to keep in mind when it comes to doing a job like this. Don't think of a Blazer as a truck, think of it as a convertible stuck on a truck frame.