Yeah, no kidding Yukon. I put the lift in today and am already looking at the empty wheel-wells

Anyway, I had to lengthen a wire or two and one battery cable, cut and weld my clutch linkage a little longer, adjust the steering assembley and throttle linkage, and that was pretty much it... just some things to look out for when you do your 2". Definitely enjoy gaining the upward inches though

And hey, since I'm a pro at this now

let me know if you have any questions. All right, thanks for the help guys.
72 with 69 grille and custom 73-87 stepside. BIG BLOCK 409, SM465, NP205, 3/4 axles slung under a 5" lift, 3"bodylift, 112" frame, and 35inch Pro Comp X-terrains... "BUILT NOT BOUGHT"
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