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Old 05-03-2006, 10:14 AM   #36
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Re: Overhaulin doing a 70 chevy tonight

Originally Posted by NotEnuff$$$
Quick thought...

Does anyone have any insight as to how much Overhaulin' budgets to produce each show? I'd really like to know how much it cost to put that '70 together.

Over $30K?
Over $40K?
Over $50K?
I understand that Lance Armstrong's car cost nearly $100K to overhaul. I doubt all of them cost that much. I have seen a couple that wouldn't justify putting $10K into (an early model F*&D Explorer comes to mind).

I would never let them get my truck unless I has a say in what they are going to do (which of course is not the premise of the show). Now, if they were calling, I could definately find a short step beater that I wouldn't mind being tricked out, just not my current truck.
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