Thread: Turtle Wax Ice
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Old 05-06-2006, 08:46 PM   #6
I dun gradjiated collij!!!
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Re: Turtle Wax Ice

Update: Just got done scrubbin' and rubbin' the wife's Focus and I have to say that it worked pretty good there.

I'm probably way too picky about Screamin', I also just cut and buffed her out so I think the paint may have been "thirsty" for wax and was soaking it up too quickly. Either way Ice is a good "easy on, easy off" wax if your not into buffing.

I would recommend using a heavy paste wax and a buffer on an older or "thirsty" paint job, then use the Ice to maintain a shine.

The Ice packaging states that they recommend using a rubbing compound on even slightly oxidized paint as well.

Made the wife happy so .....Wax on....Wax off.....young Grasshopper
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