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Old 05-11-2006, 03:16 PM   #7
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Re: Blazer/Jimmy 4x4 Reputation

In the 1st few weeks of me having my blazer... i was driving down a vineyard road.. brush came in and got narrow... i'm screaming at my friend to watch his side cuz i'm pushing back brush as i drive and i don't want to fall into something on his side i cant see...

So you know what happens right? I drop MY side into a big ol Hole! Actually there was a pipe in the road only wide enough for a vineyard tractor that would funnel runoff under the trail.... well as said i dropped me front left tire into where the pipe wasnt covering the road anymore... from all the erosion(sp?) the hole on that side (runoff side) was deeeep! So deep the front left tire was just chilling in the air... the right front tire was STUFFED, the blazer was resting on the driver side rocker :doh:

I freaked out, i was new to the blazer. I took a look at the front tires and said no way, i must have just snapped my front axle to be able to have the front tires at the angles they were at... Looked under, hey alright, still in 1 piece! I was prob going 5mph or so and just slammed it...

After scratching our heads (And my friend rubbing his - he hit the windshield frame ).. i said f!ck it.... put it in 4lo.... and it backed right out w/ out hardly spinning a tire..... Ever since i've been impressed with our blazers. No, not any hard core wheeling, but if i did that in say, my dads durango at the time or another modern SUV - well, let's not even go there!

edit: that was stock before my lift and tires etc etc.

Last edited by Medicanman71; 05-11-2006 at 03:18 PM.
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