Re: Project Penicillin~ 68 crewcab build up!
Originally Posted by wibilly
not to be a cridical a=hole, i know you didn't do the roof but do you have plans on staightening the skin? it looks prety flat in the rear in comparisom to the front
This has been discussed but we are working on all the rot first! The rear has the profile of a truck cab and teh front is all burb. The PO over layed the burb roof all the way to th erear body seam line of the truck cab. We have tossed ideas around from a high gloss white paint job to slicing the front and lowering it down to match the front all the way to removing the entire roof and use a donor roof off an older van with the roof ridges.
LFD Inc.
Last edited by Rokcrln; 05-15-2006 at 08:46 PM.