Re: Project Penicillin~ 68 crewcab build up!
Here is th ework for the night. I removed the cab corner and most of the 3rd door rocker and it was not as bad as I thought it would be. The metal is in decent shape and the lower "C" post was in fact their. When we felt inside the cab corner before it felt as if it was chopped out with an Axe. In fact what they did was cut off the Truck lower post an dthe upper Burb post and then over layed them. I will keep this part as is even know we have a new piece for it, I just do not see any reason to replace it. As you can see in the last Pic the bottom of the "B" post is mostly gone and the PO covered it all up with fiber glass so we did not see it untill this project was under way. I need to fix this area before removing the rest of the rocker then I will replace the 3rd door rocker and inner. After that is done I will brace the sh!t out of the windshield and dash area before I remove the entire windshield post due to rust. After it all back inplace I will finish up the front rocker.
LFD Inc.