Re: Project Penicillin~ 68 crewcab build up!
Ok the rear rocker and cab corner will be ready to go back in once this stuff dries. I finished trimming everything away back to good (well better) metal and than coated the sh!t out of everything with a rust inhibitor product I am trying out. I even got way up in side the rear cab suport with this stuff. It is suposed to convert rust into a none rust somthing or other. You can weld right over it or paint over it as well. It goes on like Elmers glue but dries to a black finish. Thursday I should have the B pillar finished and start getting the 3rd rocker and corner in place. While I am doing the corner and rocker I think I will tweak things abit to get the door to fit right at the bottom. I don't know what it is but almost every Burb that I have seen has the same problem as this one does. The bottom rear of the door below the body line sticks out past the door jamb just a bit. This one was worse than most so now is the time to correct that. Also I had to cut the bottom of the B pillar open inside the rocker in order to get out all the durt and rust that has bult up over the years. It was packed solid and I had to jab and pry some of it out but it is now nice and clean.
LFD Inc.
Last edited by Rokcrln; 05-16-2006 at 08:23 PM.