After I ordered the parts, I planned everything out in my head. I wanted something cooler/cheaper than stock (The trim was all bent or missing, not to mention the plaid seatcover that is no longer reproduced as a single piece...). I went to the wrecker for some inspiration, and came home with a nice pair of 92 chevy buckets/console in a grey velvet (they have since been steam cleaned and look a lot better)
I then ordered material to match that will work for custom door panels and headliner. I managed to track down a tilt column for it as well (Thanks HeavyD!), and a few other trick interior pieces that I will post at a later date.
Next thing that needed to be addressed was the look of the truck. In stock form it looks nice, stylish and vintage, but the price of the trim and everything would break me, so I will be going custom. It will still be orange and white, but with a bit of a different twist to it.
Now, onto the gory detail pics, the destruction and resurrection of my old pickup. I started tearing it apart a couple weeks ago, and found no real surprises. I knew it needed a lot of sheetmetal and a lot of wiring (the fuse box caught fire last month as well), so what you are about to see did not surprise me.