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Old 05-18-2006, 11:28 AM   #55
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Location: Northern Germany,near Bremen
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Re: How to lower my ride? Please help a newbie.

[QUOTE=SCOTI]Why would tires/wheels from the USA be deemed illegal in Germany?

That is because there are no official papers that tell about the weight capability and for what car or truck they fit and every rim (and everything suspension,brake and lightrelated that is not original equipment) in germany needs to go thru technical inspection by the TÜV (technical inspection association)!
If they don´t give their OK your not streetlegal!
To get the technical certificat for a rim they have to be tested execivly for breaking, weightcapability, fitment and quality!that means that at least one set is crushed,twisted and abused to the max!
And that are costs that nobody can pay to get only one set of nice american made wheels on his truck unless he wants to be a dealer for just this wheel or part he got the certificate for!
Here in good ol´germany you got to have an offical paper for everything!
Sounds dumm but it´s true!
You lucky poeple over there live in automotive paradise!

Last edited by moneyeater; 05-18-2006 at 11:29 AM.
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