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Old 05-20-2006, 02:16 AM   #1
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single/double wall top

The Jimmy I bought a little while ago has a single wall top on it. Good shape I'd say with a few cracks on the seams and hatch. Anyways, when I bought the truck the top only had the back brackets and the windshield bolts attached. I assumed a lazy PO didn't put all the bolts in. I took the top off a few weeks ago and noticed the bedsides have holes in the top. But no nuts attached. Am I to assume it originally had a double wall top then?? All my old Blazers had the nuts under the bedrail in a little box type thing so they could move a little. And then bolted down from the top.

If I am going to keep this top I guess I could weld nuts to the underside of the bedrails (before paint). I'll nut and bolt until then I guess. I probably won't end up doing the top until last as not really needed here.

Anyone else do this?
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