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Old 10-07-2002, 07:13 PM   #7
crazy longhorn
Fabricate till you "puke"
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Ill
Posts: 9,402
Ouch! I checked into a set of 15x 10s with special looked like about $155-160 a pop with shipping (just the wheels). I made a couple local calls, & was sent to Early wheel, where I got a pair of 15 x 10 shells for 35 ea,+ shipping. Pete is a good guy to talk with,or deal with. I cut the centers out of a set of 6 1/2" van ralleys & blasted them,then tapped them into the shells & set up the back space.........they are still on the bench, need to indicate them in & weld,but Ill be damned if I will pay that kind of money for steel wheels! any off shelf ralley is pretty cheap, but custom bites. my thoughts are , if you have a local bud willing to indicate & weld.....or feel like doing it yourself you can save a bunch of $. I ll try to dig up the site.... good luck ......crazy longhorn
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