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Old 05-29-2006, 12:23 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Posts: 42
Smile Project:*FRANTIC* the official build-up thread

Well the long awaited beginning of a new project for me has began. This will be my first real resto-rod that I can call my own and know I've been the soul force behind what it will become. I look foreword to the months ahead and the progression of project "Frantic". The bar for this truck has been set very high, so I am hoping all the blood sweat and tears that go into the build-up will result in a truck that I can be proud of. I may be a youngin' but I can keep up with the best of em'.

It all started about a month and a half ago with a basket case farm truck I bought for $900.

The same weekend after I got er' home I was already in tear down mode and ready to clean off all the junk.

I know it is going to be much easier and will birth better results having access to such a great site and the people within it. I'll keep everyone posted with significant progress.
68 GM-Chev Sierra Grande 383/700r4
84 sierra half LWB layin' frame soon 350/350
1980 chevy silverado SWB 4x4 12" lift, D60F, 14Bff, 40" TSL's 454/350/205

What a wonderful stable of vehicles to have when gas is +$1.00CAD/L.

Last edited by Torque; 05-29-2006 at 12:53 AM.
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