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Old 05-30-2006, 01:42 AM   #14
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: San Diego
Posts: 100
Re: What should 5k buy me..

Best way to find local trucks here in San Diego is through Craigs List. Truck Trader is also a good reference, but Craigs List seems more popular. Craigs list is nationwide and covers most major geographical areas. Also, I know you are wanting a 67-68, but you might consider a 70 model. With that you can get factory AC and disc brakes up front. That will save you some money right there. You should be able to find a fairly rust free truck that runs decent for 3-$4000.00 in this area. You just have to keep looking and be patient. I recently paid 3500 for a 70 4x4 from Sacramento w/AC and disc. Completely stock--drove it home 400 miles the next day. Good luck. MM
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