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Old 05-30-2006, 03:31 PM   #18
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Re: What should 5k buy me..

It's a matter of choice and obviously a very subjective thing. Personally, I'd and look for something original and rust free. By the looks of that paint job you'll be looking to do bodywork again (the right way) in 6 to 12 months.

Look for something that's not as shiny. Go original and do it right the first time. Spend around 3K for something solid and orginial (+/- a $1000), put some money into making the mechanics reliable and drive it. (It may not look the best but lets face's still a cool classic truck)

Drive it while you've saving some cake for some quality bodywork then.........getir done. Just my 2 cents. Gook luck and welcome.
If you keep and open mind you never know what might drop in.

1970 Chev C10 SWB, "250 turbo thrift"
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