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Old 05-30-2006, 10:41 PM   #2
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Re: Engine problems... good deal on replacement?

I take it you have heard this $800 motor run? If so then have you driven it? Does it have a good power band? Does it idle smoothly, accelerate easily and cruise out OK? I ask this because a person tends to overlook the obvious when they find something that may be a "GOOD" deal. The $800 dollars is well below the price of a new "Crate Motor" replacement, which is about $1400.00. A lot of rebuilt motors are sold through parts houses for $800.00 and up to about $1200.00, depending on who it is. This motor sounds like a deal that would be fair. If the guy will give you a small amount for your engine, then take it, because you will not get much from a salvage yard. A good 4 bolt main 350 block will go for about $175.00, if there is no damage to the block itself. No one cares about the crank in most cases, due to the fact that there are so many of the factory ones around. He is going to help you do the work, that should be worth something, to you.

The Holley 700 cfm carb is a little large for a truck to work efficiently. That size of carb is really great at higher RPMs, such as a well built street performer (like a Nova or Camaro). If you run the vehicle at 2100 RPMs and higher then it will work, but otherwise it will be sluggish around the city streets. The smaller CFM carbs will keep the air charge flowing at a higher rate and keep the engine running at a more optimum power band. So after you install the motor, it may run a little sloppy and act like it is fuel hungry, I would think about a little smaller carb.

The horsepower is questionable, what cam profile is in the motor, along with the .030 over bore? The Edelbrock intake is worth some in volumetric efficiency, so with a guess, the horsepower will be somewhere around 270 to 290 HP give or take a little.

Last edited by piecesparts; 05-30-2006 at 11:34 PM.
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