Re: Project Penicillin~ 68 crewcab build up!
I was able to get the third door rocker, inner rocker and floor all finished today. The only part left is to re-hang the door and finish the cab corner. This will take some pulling force to get things all correct because when the PO put the cab section on it was not quite right. But we will fix that!
As you can see I made my own inner rocker panel to also fix the floor patch at the same time. You can also see if you just went with the inner panel that you can buy their would have been alot of extra work left. I then replaced the bottom of the B post and fit up both rockers and hung the doors to check fitment. It was all good so I removed the doors and started welding. Just a note all parts were coated with rust preventer prior to over lapping any areas! I also got the front A post bottom complete.
LFD Inc.