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Old 06-09-2006, 12:56 AM   #20
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Re: pie cutting 69 to 72 hood

Originally Posted by Frizzle Fry
Seems like it would be a whole lot easier to just re-shape the front lip of a 67-68 hood to fit behind the 69-72 outer grille.
Ya but it still would not be thesame look. The front profile of the hoods are completly different. Also I think the 67-68 are layed back just a bit to much and the front of a 69-72 is just a bit to blunt and tall. But my self I just like doing things that most people would not notice or just think is all stock. Think about the 64 4dr Crew cab I am building for a customer and how cool it will be when the first person comes up to him and tells him "my dad had one just like this".

So am I nuts for liking alot of work for small visual changes

LFD Inc.
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