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Old 04-27-2002, 10:24 AM   #6
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Do you have any traction problems off the line? 1.6 rocker arms might give you another 8-12hp.Can you duct some cold air to that K&N filter?Will they let you ice down the intake and cool it way down before the run? As far as shifting goes I would modify the govenor fly weights a little at a time to get your shift point at full throttle where you want it and then let it auto shift.Another thing I've seen done that worked well although it didn't look so good was covering the grill with screen. It must cut the drag considerably I've seen a .2 increase with a truck running about the same times as yours.Try changing to a 5w30 synthetic oil and instlalling a 160 thermastat. The oil and temp need to be done together or you'll get no gain.

[This message has been edited by Stroker (edited April 27, 2002).]
72 SWB parts and pieces
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