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Old 06-09-2006, 07:04 PM   #14
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Re: Anyone got a Edelbrock Pro-Flo Multi-Point Electronic Fuel InjectionSystem?

Originally Posted by Burt4x4
Sounds COOL Kade!
I almost got Alum. Heads but I had a set of 781's so I decided to stuff them with oversized valves and run the cast..heavy suckers!

The cam I am running is a CompCam pn# 11-231-3
Duration @ .05 Intake=210 Ex=218
Lobe lift Intake=.297 Ex=.297

I have a spec sheet in my qubical here at work so there are more nubmbers on it if you need more..
I think the chip is just a high level starting point..the tuning adjustments is what will make your rig run right.. When I fired up my 454 for the first time it sounded like a HUGE Harley..Bllubb......Bllubb.........Blubb
I had to adjust the " Global Fuel Modifier" percentage up to 25%+ and then the engine started to Purrrrrrrrr. It was starving for fuel. Did you get an owners manual? Gotta get one..explains all the Modifiers to adjust...doesn't explain to well WHY you want to adjust them just how to
If you like I can give you ALL the Modifier settings that the EFI tech set my MPFI ECU to on the DynoTune....duno if that would do you any good or not but I wrote them all down incase the memory is lost for some reason??

Also I did not use the Dist conversion kit so if you need any of thoes parts just let me know.
Have fun at the show!
Comp gave me this and said it would work.
Duration @ .05 Intake=230 Ex=236
Lobe lift Intake=.547 Ex=.547
part number 11-451-8, I tolf them I wanted a rough idle that would shake the fenders off. Here is what edelbrock told me to run
Duration @ .05 Intake=240 Ex=246
Lobe lift Intake=.560 Ex=.573
They both said I could get by with a 2500 stall. I am supposed to get it monday and I will see what all that he included. I ordered the heads today and maybe I will get them next week and I also ordered a eaton posi and the 3.73 gears. I figure when I start putting all this on I will be down a week or two before I can get it up and running, but it should be a little tire shredder when I get done. At over $3000.00 dollars it should be. I appreciate all the help.
Thanks, Kade
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