06-11-2006, 08:44 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Tempe AZ
Posts: 4
Re: bright trim polish?
Originally Posted by Hilandr451
If you have the trim off the truck, I'd use a bench mounted polishing wheel like mine. I found the grinding/polishing wheel arbor at a swap meet for $5.00. I bought the 3/4hp motor attached to a craftsman 10" table saw at another swap meet for $75.00 Although it was originally intended to drive the table saw at 3400rpm, I geared it down for the polishing wheel (around 1750rpm) by sizing some new pulleys from ace hardware - $15.00 The cloth buffing wheels & "Dico" polishing compound sticks were also from Ace, but I have seen the same wheels & compound at Harbor Freight for a lot less. Just make sure you buy the compound meant for aluminum - it does make a difference.
You can pull the same thing off while the trim is on the truck, they sell drill mounted arbors & smaller polishing wheels. Just make sure you double mask the paint on either side of the trim piece before you start to polish. Aluminum is very easy to polish to a bright luster. You'll be amaized at how easy it is and at how nice it comes out. You might need to so some light sanding to alieviate pitting or deep scratches. Just use a 600 grit sand paper or for light oxidization, or irregular finish, smooth things out with some steel wool before putting a bright luster on it. I've even used 180 grit to remove gouges before, finishing it off with 800 grit before the polish. Warning!!! steel wool alone, no matter what the grade on aluminum will only dull the finish. That stuff works wonders on stainless & chrome though!
Now I'm the polisher guy in our neighborhood. Ever since I polished up some tarnished old brass candle holders for my wife - everybody brings me stuff to polish up - gold, silver jewelery, flat ware, you name it it gets shined up here!
Thanks, I put a buff wheel on my bench grinder and have made a lot of progress. I'm thinking it may be a little too fast though. Is there any upper limit to the RPM's for buffing?