Re: bright trim polish?
I don't know if there is a RMP limit from a buffing/ polishing perspective. I have seen the big buffing wheels the pro's use spin a lot faster than 1750 PRM. You should be fine using the bench grinder motor though, they typically spin at or around 1735 - 1750 RPM. The limiting factor being the actual wheel. The design limits of the wheel should be printed on the wheel itself.
As you get more experienced in polishing, you'll notice that you get the best results with a light touch. make sure you clean your work thouroughly and sand down any scratches or abrasions before polishing.
Also make sure you use the appropriate polishing compound to dress the wheel. Also clean the wheel periodically by spraying brake cleaner and gently running the edge of a piece of steel perpendicular into the cloth wheel at speed to remove residual build-up. Aluminum deposits a lot of material into the wheel in a short time. I'm going to put together a pictoral "how to" page on my picturetrail web site showing some polishing tips & care of your wheel. I'll post the link when I'm done.