Thread: Latest Progress
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Old 06-26-2006, 08:15 AM   #1
Never Done?
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Latest Progress *pics*

So last week I received a few parts in the mail. First the wiring connectors/pigtails for my BMW window switch (to control the air ride) showed up, and I was able to get all the wires labeled. Then I got my c-notch and lowering blocks from CPP. Needless to say I was motivated to get something done this weekend... so I did!

I spent most of Saturday afternoon working on it. Got the bed pulled off and set on jack stands in the driveway so it can spend some quality time with the elements:

Proceeded to grind out a few rivets and remove the rear crossmember (it was bent) and the spare tire crossmember to make way for the fuel cell:

The last thing I got to do was prime my new ECE rear crossmember.

Now I just need to get about 15 more rivets out, cut the frame for the notch, strip the POR-15 off the frame rails and trailing arms, drill holes for the air ride, and get everything painted. Then all that's left is getting the axle rebuilt. Doesn't sound too bad
Ethel - The Legend Continues...

Ethel has been sold.

Last edited by Alvin; 06-26-2006 at 08:43 AM.
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