Originally Posted by AesC10s
if u dont mind me askin how much did the shrinker/strecher and body solder kit set ya back.
Go to Eastwood Company and you can find it all their. I know alot of guys don't like Eastwood because all they do is buy and re-sell. But they are good products they "re-sell" and it saves me a bunch of time finding new products to try. Once I try then and if I like them I will try and find a local supplier for consumables.
Tucking forks? Heck all I have had are pieces of flat stock with center slits and "T" handles. Forks are for eating after a good day of work and if you eat enough you will
stretch automaticly and then get
tucked into bed
I think I am most excited about using the Throughtless Beverly shear B2. That should save alot of time and alot of warn out hand snips.
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