Re: Door Locks--What I'm I doing wrong??
After you shut the door insert your key into the lock,push in on the door and turn the key. I have to push in pretty hard on mine because they are out of adjustment for the time being.If the weather stripping is new then your doors is not shutting good enough to just turn the key and the key will not turn at all.
As username was saying if you push your lock button down and then push in on the door handle button when you shut the dont need to have the window down,This is the way some of the older foriegn cars used to work unfortunately this method wont work either.Good may need to adjust your striker and lock assembly.
1972 chevy cheyenne 10,nothing special at the moment,Its a work in progress, Working on the engine, paint and body,engine, paint and body,now its the suspenion, ahh hell I'm about tired of working on it. Maybe it will be a rat rod.