As title states, 69 - 76 (ish) console... this is NOT a restoration, I did repaint it, but it isn't nice enough to call restored... awsome for a driver, even a nice driver, but it is nowhere near perfect.
The bright work..the trim around the lid, and the trim around the seat belt holders has been sand blasted to get rid of the rust. It also got rid of the chrome, however, it now sports a more subtle shade, and the clear coat should keep it nice for a while. The plate does have a few spots that I suspect to be rust that I was unable to get off of there, so it may well rust up again under the clear. No promises on that.
As you can see it is the correct seat belt style, not the later cup holder.
The upper and lower sections were repainted high gloss black. There are some imperfections in the material under the paint. Some scuffs, some scratches in the plastic... no cracks in the upper half, and no cracks on the sides of the lower half. The floor is another story. I'll get to that in a min. You can see in the first photo, there were 2 holes drilled in the front of it... No clue as to why, hillbillies do funny things when they are drinking.
Here's some pics...
This photo, you can see the holes the hillbillies drilled. The 2 screws with bolts on the front are missing, and, the chevy... or GMC, badge on top, is also missing.

Close up...
Here you can see the metal with the subtle finish. You can also see the staining I refered to...suspected rust. Also see the dimple in the upper left corner of the lid.
Here it is from the view in the drivers seat as if it were mounted. Remember you won't even see the screws...they will be hidden by the seats.

Last photo of the finished assembly.
Now.. here's the bad part.
The floor is crap. It looks like whom ever removed it was ADHD, and took one bolt out, then lost interest in manual labor and just jerked the sucker out. 3 of the 4 mounting hols is pretty well kerfagled.
The one in my truck is just like this, I used large fender washers that covered the entire hole, then run screws through my floor, and it is all secured nice and tight. There is one on this one, where the hole is supposed to be raised, a small stack of washers, then the one inside, and it'll be mounted level. A small piece of scrap carpet, and all will be hidden, and your junk won't make any noise when you hit bumps and stuff. The crack is nothing to be worried about in all reality, it's sitting on the floor, and you could put 100 pounds in there and the floor won't break.
Here's the photos... please excuse the bad pics, it was kinda dark in the shop when i took these ones.

This is the one I was talking about that would need a small stack of washers;
Once mounted, the damage will never be noticed.
I don't really know the going rate for sonething in this condition... It'll look sharp in any truck, and it will do it's intended job. It is the correct part with the seat belt holders instead of beer holders.
I'm asking 50 bucks, shipped to the east side of the mississippi ... 60 bucks to the west of the river. This keeps numbers easy, and something of this size would cost quite a bit going out west.
If it doesn't sell in 7 days, I'll probably either go e-bay, or maybe lower my price.
Not interested in trades, this is vacation money here..but if you think you have something I can't live without...try me, the worst i can do is say no.
Please respond in this thread
Please no tire kickers
if you are interested, but need more pics or info, say you are interested pending info or pics in your responce... if you don't say you are interested, and the next guy says he wants it... it's his.
I'll take money orders, or personal check... check will have to clear before it gets shipped. No other forms of payment accepted, onless you are dumb enough to send that kind of money in the mail... that's on you.
All PM's will be ignored onless you state interest in the thread first.
I will ship DHL ground.
I think I covered everything.