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Old 07-01-2006, 01:42 PM   #4
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Re: the brakes are wearing me out

I hate to state the obvious but did you adjust the rear shoes out to where they almost touch the drum with no brake applied?

I like to adjust the shoes before putting the drum on. Adjust the shoes out so that it takes a bit of effort to get the drum on over them.

If the auto slack adjuster mechanism is working correctly - get the truck rolling backwards and stab the brake pedal repeatedly while rolling. This activates the auto slack adjuster mechanism.

However, on a 30-something year old vehicle things get dirty and worn and the slack adjuster rarely works as described above. Which means you have to adjust by hand periodically. They make a slack adjuster tool especially for this but a good size flat head screw driver will work in the absence of this tool. Slide the tool in through the slot at the bottom of the backing plate and roll the slack adjuster out until you can't turn the drum by hand, then back off until it turns freely = brakes adjusted.

As I stated above, I hate to tell you something you already know but I thought it worth going over just in case.
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