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Old 07-02-2006, 03:02 AM   #3
89 crew
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Posts: 865
Re: removing rear leafs on 73-87 2wd

cutting the head off the bolt will only let you beat it in both directions. It will still be just as stuck! Get ready to either take time getting it out or buying new rubber bushings! If you want to keep the bushings, wd-40 the bolts, let them set over night, take a bfh and beat the bushing end of the spring a while, wd-40 again, continue till they come off! If you want them off now, take a cutting torch burn the bushing out, heat the center sleeve, and then beat the bolt. you may have to heat then beat a few times but it will work. The only other option is cut the bolt on both sides of the spring and replace the bolt and beat the middle out after the spring is loose.
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