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Old 04-28-2002, 12:23 PM   #6
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what do you mean is pressure but without line... thats gauge with the warning light type looking sending unit, hmmm, i have one on ethe 82 Trans Am, hmmm i wonder.. actually the frickin one on this engine i was removing was an electric gauge 86 burb one, so... techniclaly i didnt need ot remove it in that case, but if it broke off so damne easy then it needed attentin anyways, gonna melt some candlewax into the threads and pray, the EZ out is biting into it hard but the damn fitting is siezed int he block badly.


Randy- Lincoln, IL 2177353230
-71 C-10 350/CH465/3.07, assemble it, yeah right, that'll happen in this world,(not)
-84 Z28 Camaro 5.0L 700R4, 3.73, beater, paid way too much for it like an idiot,,
-84 Firebird SE 2.8L T-5, rod knocking, dammit,,
-82 Firebird 350 4bolt (TBL)/TH350, not running, dammit...
buy/sell/hoard/trade most any GM vehicle parts of any kind
-parting out: '81 Cutlass Supreme Brougham
*Paint is overrated
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