Thread: Vapor Lock
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Old 10-12-2002, 03:23 AM   #1
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Vapor Lock

What causes vapor lock and how can I prevent it? I already have fiberglas braiding on the fuel line as it comes up over the block. 350 V-8 3.y.o.crate engine in '71 4x4 Jimmy sm465 tranny. City driving, hot day and a tank of fresh "Environmentally Correct" 87 octane name brand gas. After about 25 miles of errand running in city traffic, the engine started running rough, "burble-ing" and then cut out on me completely. I pulled over -- could see nothing unusual under the hood. It would turn over, catch and die, then just turn over. I called "Roadside rescue" on my cell phone and they told me there was a 1 hour wait. After an hour and 15 minutes, I tried it and it started right up again and I got going under my own power a block before the puzzled hook driver got there. Ran Ok for the rest of the day. Go figure?
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