Thread: Vin Number
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Old 07-05-2006, 04:27 PM   #2
Longhorn Man
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Re: Vin Number

Would that be a 71 GMC?
That VIN is somewhat close to the VIN combo for a 69, which is the only decoder I have. If it decodes like a 69, and we remove the 70 from the 5 & 6 position (which I think would be the cowl to axle measurement) then it would indicate that it is an inline powered 2 wheel drive 1/2 ton, stepside, no clue what plant P would indicate, and the rest would be sequential number... althoguh, that A on the end is an odd one to me... but GMC did some odd ball stuff with there VONs back then.
Rod would be the man to see on this one.

Rod... am I close?
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