Smitty, not saying the guys on this forum are wrong but' the very best people to ask what cam to use are the manufacturers tech folk.They spend years learning what combo's work and I think most of them even have databases to plug your combo into to get a good match.Anyway they are one more resource for info on cams.
If you call Crane, Comp Cams or one of the other manufacturers be sure and have all your specs close to hand. These folks will wantn to know every detail of your engine so they can help with getting the idle and performance you are looking for.They will also want to know how you will be using the vehicle.
Things you will need to be able to tell them
1) comp ratio
2)combustion chamber volume & head type/style
3)Transmission type and rear gear ratio
4)intake and exhaust you will be using
5)Idle quality expected
6)Vehicle weight
7)tire size(effects gear ratio)
8)I'm sure I've left something(s) out but someone will call me on it!!
The 47-present Chevrolet and GMC Truck Message Board Network,it's owners,moderators,members,and associates of any type should not be held responsible for my opinion.
You can't fix stupid,not even with duct tape.
"My appearance is due to the fact that "GOD" does punish you for having too much fun!"
Barrett-Jackson has perfected alchemy,they make rust into gold!
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't saddle a duck"
"Cleverly disguised as a 'Responsible Adult'
"Sometimes your Knight in shining armor is just a retard in tinfoil"