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Old 07-06-2006, 10:31 AM   #1
72 fleetside longbed 350
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Ohio
Posts: 169
Seat belt Q's

I have a 72 custom deluxe and the stock bench seat came with the dissasembled truck when I got it. At the time I didnt know what all to make sure I had when I picked up the parts out of the guys garage later to find I was missing more than a few important items. I have the male seat belt parts that bolt to the cab floor but I do not have the female ones that come up through the seat. The male belts only have about 2 0r 3 feet of spooled belt I assume this is because the middle belts are longest?
I also noticed that My truck has the mounting holes for the 3 piece shoulder lap style belts at the top of the cab. Does this mean that the truck came with 3 point shoulder type belts? Or are they there as an optional addition later on?

I am going to the junk yards today to see if I can find some center belts that will mount to the original holes in the floor.

Last edited by xfsketch; 07-06-2006 at 10:31 AM.
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