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Old 07-06-2006, 08:29 PM   #7
72 fleetside longbed 350
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Ohio
Posts: 169
Re: Seat belt photos?

Looks like you got a great deal soonrfish! I went to the local yards and most of the s-10s I looked at were really rusted and taking the belts off of em would be a chore. It wasnt until someone told me that advanced auto sold lap belts for pickups and go karts etc. $15 - $30 a pair. They are black and not very fancy but will do the job. I took my seat off the tracks and started puting the new female ends on today. I am going to use the original spring loaded spools for the male ends and have my aunt (seemstress) sew them onto the old spools. These ones will do until I find some better ones down the road. I will post pictures when I am done. Thanx guys for all your help!
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