Thread: my rides
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Old 07-08-2006, 01:15 AM   #14
Oil trash and damn proud of it
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Re: my rides

lol, how many people now have said "welcome" ?? grr... oh well
and how much is reasonable for a price, Lanny? I don't think 68350 will sell his Duster, unless maybe for a GOOD price... but that's just what I'm saying, I'm just a good buddy, never know what's going on in his head (especially not in HIS head, and I'm glad I don't know )

1997 K1500 Z71, 14 bolt SF 3.73 posi, Bright Blue Metallic. 6" Superlift
1972 C-10, toolbox, p/s, 350/TH350/3.73 open, black int., bronze
2008 Dodge MegaCab. H&S tuned 6.7 Cummins. Fast Four Tons

Some of my pics
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