Man I've MET some GREAT people on this board, luckily some drive quite a ways too. I know sometimes I'm hard to get ahold of on the phone too, sorry.
Anyway I had some trouble with my blazer, No dash lights. Blazerman (Rob) and Chipflyer (Jeff) were kind enough to come over and see me Sat and figure out my problem, I COULD OF NOT DONE IT WITHOUT THEM!!!! These guys are SUPER and we have deveolped a GREAT friendship!!! I have met a few others from the board from other states that stop by from time to time to see me and I think its AWESOME
Sakohntr, TooMuchStuff, Class of 69, 72Gord, Joe's Junk, KSchevyup, 72IronMike, Chevy Fatman, Ricks Trucks, Zoomy, NU2-72, just to name a few others I think alot of!!! There are others too, my mind went blank.
Thanks to Rob and Jeff AGAIN, maybe my wife will talk to me again