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Old 07-10-2006, 11:38 AM   #5
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Re: What do I do now (engine swap)?

Well the reason I'm selling that 03 and bought the 85 is, since I bought the Ford (18 months ago) I've put roughly 5400 miles on it, which translates into a $1.50 per mile in payments and insurance, I don't drive much so I finally decided it was just stupid to have a payment when I don't drive more than I do. So gas mileage isn't important (the Ford gets 12.2-12.8 when I check it).

Instead of making that $400 a month car payment I can devote that cash instead to fixing up/keeping running the two old trucks, that means if I put a motor on my card if I send in $400 per month to the card I'll be able to pay off any motor or transmission I buy in a quickness. Though I try to keep a 3 month rule on my cards, if I ain't got it paid off in 3 months then I shouldn't have bought it (or if I don't figure I'll be able to pay it off in 3 I don't buy it).

One other pull is, everyone has 350's (and other SBCs) in their trucks (73-87 era) you just hardly ever see one of those with a big block in it and "not being like everyone else" is always something that appeals to me when I can pull it off anyway
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