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Old 07-11-2006, 04:28 PM   #10
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Re: Guy's with bags, what lower A Arms you running????

Which bags are you guys using when you take out the bottom cup? I have a 4" Z and just found out that my suicide doors plate/cup combo wont work. I am running slam specialties rs-7 bags, and it looks like if I dont run a bottom cup that the bag is going to rub the sides of the control arm where it sinks in. My friend with a 4" Z told me to run 2.5" cups on top and a 1" cup on bottom.

Tonight im finishing the last part of reccomendations on bodydroping/ "Z"ing the frame. I am gonna trim 2" off the bottom of the frame under the cab, and then I should be resting rocker firmly on the ground. then I can measure for my cups.

BTW....anyone know whatever happened to loweredd's truck? his page hasnt been updated in a while lol.
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