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Old 07-11-2006, 10:43 PM   #1
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Slight Pull - - Brakes???

So lately I've noticed a slight pull to the passenger's side while driving down the road. Not braking, just regular cruising. I suspected sticking brake calliper (or similar), so I lifted the front end and checked the wheel rotation. The right side definitely drags a bit. With a similar amount of force on both sides, I get about 5 wheel rotations on the driver's side and only about 3.5 or 4 on the passenger's.

To eliminate bad bearings from the mix, I removed the callipers and tried the rotation again - both sides are smooth rolling.

So, I'm just wondering whether a slight dragging of the brake pads would actually cause a pulling on the road. I've certainly experienced it before, with brakes that were binding more seriously, but this is pretty minor.

Any thoughts? Thanks.
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