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Old 07-14-2006, 10:27 PM   #14
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Re: '87 4.3 TBI to 5.0 TPI from '87 Firebird

I found the vortec head at a machine shop that a buddy of mine has. He bought a used vortec motor for his wife's SUV and then she said she wanted a divorce, so I get the heads, after he finishes the rework and cleanup on them. As long as I pay cash--He wants a little money in the divorce lawyer's fund, I can get them at a really decent price. The heads, TPI base, and runners that I already have are good for a power curve of around 4000 RPM, so by adding the upgrade, I can move that curve to 5500 RPM with an increase of around 80 HP over what I already have.

The original motor and TPI setup was out of a 90 vette and the rating on HP was at 250 HP, so with the injector upgrade that S&P put in and the computer bump, along with what I have planned, I should be hitting well over the 300HP mark and hopefully over the 350 HP level. The latest issue of "Chevy High Performance" magazine had a question in their "Shop Talk" area about the very same thing that I am doing. The discussion lends to the fact that the L-98 is a little weak in top end power and that a set of vortec heads is the cure for this problem. That supports my plans, overall.
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