Don't worry Krue, I'll keep bumping it up often!
I finally finished that stubborn right cab corner that I started last month. It did not match the curve of the door below the body line, so it needed tweeked!
Using Rokcrln's suggestion of cutting slits in the inside lip to get the shape back, I had done that and got the curve right. BUT, I was left with a good gap at the body line, and about a 1/2" gap at the bottom of the door. Using another of Kevin's tricks, I tacked TIG wire to take up the gap. I then cut a piece of sheet metal to use as a filler on the inside of the jam to fill the space in there.
Turned out pretty good. At least everythig lines up now, and no more gaptosis!
Before, the problem:
After the slits:
After the TIG wire was tacked in place:
And now: