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Old 07-17-2006, 12:30 AM   #1
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How long could it take?

This is kinda long winded. Here I go..

I got my 68 1/2 short bed back from the body shop since it had the inner, outer rockers, & kick panels replaced and now I am looking to the next step. Also the truck does run. New drum brakes all around, crate 350, and a fresh rebuilt t400 tranny. I dont want to have a pay a body shop to do the rest of the work except paint and that is waaayyyy down the road. The only other rust on the truck is very minor surface rust that I could wipe out with a 3/8s drill and a wirewheel. My question for those that have gone the I'm doing it route is about how long did it take? I fgure I can get in 2-3 hrs a night on it at least 3-5 days a week.

Thanks in advance.
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68 build thread

Last edited by skokie; 07-17-2006 at 12:31 AM.
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