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Old 07-17-2006, 07:59 PM   #5
crazy longhorn
Fabricate till you "puke"
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Re: No, not her rear end the 12 bolt rear end...

12 bolt truck rears break like this....3.42 & down are 3 series on the carrier, 3.73 & numerically higher run a 4 series carrier. The cars did break differently as mentioned. IMO, for all out street perf, a 3.73 gear is just about right(assuming a 28-29" tall tire). I ran 4.10's, & while the truck really danced off the line, she reved 4000 rpms @ 78 mph. I am back on a mid 3's gear, & still have a little "grunt" + run 75 mph @ 3000 rpms on the open road. It just depends on your useage(or what you can live with), but IMO the 9" ferd is way overrated, very expensive, & for a fact takes more power to run.... L
69 longhorn,4" chop,3/5 drop, 1/2 ton suspension/disc brakes,1 1/2" body drop,steel tilt clip, 5.3/Edelbrock rpm intake/600 carb, Hooker streetrod shorties,2 1/2" exhaust/ H pipe/50's Flows , 6 spd Richmond trans,12 bolt/ 3.40 gears....
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