Originally Posted by SlapFish
And if people weren't so scared of diesel. 90% of the people who I tell I have a diesel truck to say "Isn't it more expensive?" Well, yes it is, but I get twice the mileage of a gas truck and get a bit more power/torque. Also, I'm converting mine to WVO so mine will most likely be free, besides the filling of the diesel tank which will be very very distanced between fillings. The grease I can probably haul away from a restaurant for free. Hell, I could charge people to fill my tank!
I get my oil free, but I have invested quite a bit in the infrastructure for collecting and filtering it. I don't have the Chevy setup to run Vegoil yet I am running my VW on it though. (well not right now as it's in the shop after being rear ended.. Cheap Crappy Hyundai Rental cars won't run on it
