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Old 07-19-2006, 10:58 PM   #23
Village Idiot....
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Re: What did you get done?

I watched this car on e-bay!, the wife reminded me that I didn't need another car but she said the 93 caprice wagon we had was the best car we had ever owned......

oh I didn't do anything but work this weekend, with any luck I'll be over the work crunch in a few weeks, have a 2-3 week break (hope to get the 68 done during this time) then I'm off over the pond for a few months....yeah

Originally Posted by 1987 Shortwide
Well, not much car-related as usual lately, but I'll share anyhow. I've not made any mention of it yet but Saturday the 22nd I'll be signing away my.... err, I mean getting married. Of course, we've been planning for over a year but there's a million things that aren't done yet, which I blame on our purchase of our 1st home about 3 months ago.

Friday night was the girls' bachelorette party (I spelled that wrong, didn't I?), so me and the boys went out to the local hang out and talked cars, racing, girls, and whatnot (you all know the drill...)

Saturday I worked in the morning, then came home and cleaned the house and did lawn work (yes, I suck up, alot... it pays off), and headed over to the fiance's sister's house. I ended up helping my soon-to-be brother in law put a new thermostat in his lightly modded '99 lightning, then commenced to pig out on Applebee's ribs and chicken fingers.

Sunday consisted of watching my Wagon NOT sell on ebay (I posted a few pictures, as this is the cleanest she's ever been I think), tinkering around with stuff around the house, then a barbeque.

I doubt I'll be in next week's "WDYGD" thread, as monday we leave for 7 days in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I'll be sure to get some good pictures of the ladi.... errr scenery. Ah yeah, bachelor party is on Wed., so I'll also clean the house again and do some more yard work, otherwise...

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