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Old 07-20-2006, 12:18 AM   #11
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Re: Is building a long box a bad invetment?

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I'm building a vehicle just to make profit. I plan on building one of these trucks because I like them, but I am just trying to cover all of the angles. I love my truck now and I'm sure the more progress I make the more I'll love it, but there is the possibility that down the road I might need to sell and I'd rather get 60% of my money back rather than 40% if it were as easy as that.

I think I'm going to hang on to my lwb. I doubt it will ever get to show truck status and I do use it to do work a lot so the 8ft is handy. The biggest reason I think I'll keep it is because I like the long and low look, so hopefully someday I will achieve it. Right now I'm stuck with long and rusty.
Evan B.
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