Thread: 52 Project
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Old 07-20-2006, 01:56 PM   #4
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Re: 52 Project

Since I figured out how to post pictures I will try and get a few in progress pic posted. The truck is in pretty good shape not much rust on the cab and front end. The bed is pretty much a total loss. It was a farm truck and the guy was hauling fertalizer and other farm stuff so the rust took over years ago, but the nice thing is it stayed in a barn most of its life and since we have had it is has been in covered storage so that helped it along.

The shop is nice to work in. Dad always wanted a nice shop to work in so he built this building...we are still trying to finish everything though, like electrical and storage, but it is coming along. It is a 45x80 half round type building, nice and big and room to spread out. I also have my camaro there in pieces and he has a couple of tractors in there also.


Last edited by pgf545; 07-20-2006 at 01:57 PM.
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