ok, since the brass screw in fitting for oil pressure has broken off and will not come out with EZ out and heat or by melting wax into the threads, i have no choice but to plug the hole, i figure soem kind of tapping screw of some kind and some sealer should block it, max prssure woiuld be 60 psi, it seems, so would have to be a preety good plug
anyoen with a good trick or ideas or info, im gonna dig through napa store;'s hardware drawars in the mornign and see what i can find for a flat head tapping screw of some kind
Il worry about findin another place to tap oil pressure gauge line into some other day
Randy- Lincoln, IL
randy@ccaonline.com 2177353230
-71 C-10 350/CH465/3.07, assemble it, yeah right, that'll happen in this world,(not)
-84 Z28 Camaro 5.0L 700R4, 3.73, beater, paid way too much for it like an idiot,,
-84 Firebird SE 2.8L T-5, rod knocking, dammit,,
-82 Firebird 350 4bolt (TBL)/TH350, not running, dammit...
buy/sell/hoard/trade most any GM vehicle parts of any kind
-parting out: '81 Cutlass Supreme Brougham
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