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Old 04-28-2002, 05:28 PM   #1
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Post ok, gotta plug oil pressure hole in rear of block

ok, since the brass screw in fitting for oil pressure has broken off and will not come out with EZ out and heat or by melting wax into the threads, i have no choice but to plug the hole, i figure soem kind of tapping screw of some kind and some sealer should block it, max prssure woiuld be 60 psi, it seems, so would have to be a preety good plug

anyoen with a good trick or ideas or info, im gonna dig through napa store;'s hardware drawars in the mornign and see what i can find for a flat head tapping screw of some kind

Il worry about findin another place to tap oil pressure gauge line into some other day


Randy- Lincoln, IL 2177353230
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